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May surprise you when you hear what TekDoc employees have to say about WFH

WORKING FROM HOME:OUR EXPERIENCE HOW TEKDOC HAS OVERCOME OBSTACLES AND CONTINUED TO SERVE OUR CLIENTS Fostering a New “Normal” WRITTEN BY ALEXA RONSIVALLI Like so many of our clients, the team at TekDoc solutions has faced the highs, lows, and everything in between during such an unprecedented time in our world. As life has slowly…

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Why Your Business Needs a vCIO to Succeed

If you have plans to expand your business, your technology needs to scale with you and support your growth. But, your IT team is too busy with day-to-day tasks to perform comprehensive assessments, research the newest tech innovations and create a strategic roadmap for the future. Hiring a costly executive to oversee your IT might…

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Why Should You Consider IoT? The Good, the Bad and the Integration

As technology progresses, we’re finding new ways to keep all of our devices connected for a seamless user experience. This idea is called the Internet of Things (IoT), and it works for more than just computing devices – it also includes mechanical and digital objects. From microwaves, washing machines and lamps to televisions, projectors and…

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